A friend had told me about this cooking school so I decided to look it up and was really excited when I found out they teach classes on how to make French Macarons! I absolutely love these things!
I think the price is $55 a class and there were about 12 of us split into 4 groups with each group making one of the following flavors: Raspberry with Chocolate Filling, Tiramisu-Chocolate Mocha with Marsala Mascarpone Filling, Lemon with White Chocolate Buttercream Filling, and Strawberry with Lemon Buttercream. The instructor and her helper had made a fresh batch of Macaroons (not the same thing) for us to nibble on while we were baking and they were really tasty!
I didn't realize it was so hard to make French Macarons, but the effort paid off! Each of us got to try one of each flavor and they were about 3 times the size you would buy at a pastry shop. They gave us the recipes and I am looking forward to attempting to make these delicious goodies again someday.
I would definitely take another cooking class! They instructors were great and the fellow students friendly.