| - Amateur customer service, dishonest, and very little business sense.
I was really looking forward to finding a great dentist in Tempe and had hopes this was it. Unfortunately, the facts of my experience have to support otherwise. Allow me to explain:
1) Called to schedule an appointment without problem. They answer promptly, and schedule out for just over a week's time. The appointment is on a Friday at 1pm. Great so far.
2) They ask for insurance information in which I did not have on me at the time. I called back and they take the information down and indicate they support my insurance. They explain they will call them and get any additional information they need from them. They then proceed to make their first mistake and confirm a 12:30 appointment time. I check my calendar and correct that we scheduled for a 1pm. She indicated she sees where she messed up and says sorry and asks for a change to 12:45. That is no problem on my end I say and that is that.
3) I receive a reminder phone call a few days before the appointment and they are calling to confirm 12:30. I can't believe how inept they are beginning to sound in their scheduling department. Starting to worry me now about my decision to choose this dentist office.
4) I to my appointment and fill out the paperwork needed. Upon turning it in, they look to see I have filled out my insurance portion and they proceed to ask, "oh, you do have insurance, we don't have you down as having insurance" . Keep in mind bullet 2 where I made a phone call to them specifically giving them my insurance information.
5) Waiting a few more minutes they explain they are going to have to do another full set of x rays on my mouth. Typically, a full set is allowed by insurance once every 5 years on a patient. This is in the range of $500 to get these done. In between these full mouth x rays, dentist commonly use the bite wings where you bite down on a white wing and they take a small x ray of that portion of your mouth to check for cavities etc...
I explain that I have had one of these full mouth x rays performed within the last five years (only 6 months ago in fact) and gave them information of the dentist where they can request the x ray.
They say they don't do this and they must do another full mouth x ray not covered by insurance just to see me. This is a common practice to do DOUBLE BILLING to take advantage of those that do not know better and to get extra money. This was enough and I excused myself from their office. If their are this many problems before I even get in the chair, I worry about how many mistakes and problems they will create intentionally or not in my mouth.
It is very clear now they are not only unable to run a customer oriented business, but are also dishonest in their business dealings.
Let them "practice" on individuals not looking for a life long dentist.