1st. The traffic makes it inconvenient. Parking is limited at the hall, so be prepared to have to park a little ways away. When you enter prepare to be not greeted by the ushers, instead you will be repeatedly reminded, by at least by three or more of the ushers, that you can not enter the hall with any of the food or beverages that you can pay exorbitant prices for in the lobby. EXCEPTION: the $4.00 bottle of water will be allowed to be brought in. But, you will be reminded by at least two ushers to be carefully with said bottle of water. The what ever you do, Do Not, and I repeat DO NOT, pull you phone to snap a picture of your family enjoying the venue because NO PHOTOGRAPHY is permitted and the ushers may want escort you and your family out. Save your money. Experience true culture at nearly any other venue in the Phoenix metropolitan. I have been here three times and always have left feeling exceptionally discouraged. Perhaps if there is a change in management I will return.