K-Mart seems to be a perpetual running joke even when it isn't doing anything wrong.
While it's easy to dismiss the store as simply "LOLZ K-Mart.... Derp!" and call it a day, they do carry good appliances (no doubt as a result of their partnership with Sears), and K-Marts are usually a good place to get cheap electronic media. More often than not, I can find harder to locate movies and video games sold for dirt cheap prices. If all else fails, K-Mart usually has one of what I want hidden amongst their wares. Their garden section isn't that bad, either.
It's an old-looking store, and it shows. Nothing wrong with it, but it's just old. Is it as nice and updated as Target? Nope, but it works for cheap deals and not a lot of hassling with other people. At least the people that I do deal with are the staff, and they have been consistently nice through every transaction.
It's funny how the inherent uncoolness of K-Mart passes on from generation to generation. I still hear the same jokes as I did from when I was a kid. For jokes that long ground into repetition, it's time to get some new material.