I had no idea we had some farm land in Las Vegas or that we could grow anything (I've tried). This for me is a true oasis. I grew up picking my own veggies, fruits and herbs. I would say herbs is the only thing missing here.
We first enjoyed some pear and apple cider sold in several sizes (while supplies last) served partly frozen which is welcomed during our hot months. We then head over to the donut stand and savored some hot mini apple cider donuts drizzled with a cream cheese frosting and at $2 a half a dozen it's a steel. We were then ready for what lied ahead... incredible orchards.
We caught a ride on the hay wagon pulled by a big tractor which took us all around the orchards. You can stop along the way and catch it on the way back again. That was a treat although we later found out they don't always have this available so check in advance.
I definitely went overboard when picking zucchini and zucchini blossoms, cucumbers, green tomatoes, banana peppers, eggplant, beets, green beans, and apples. I was so excited for the endless possibilities in enjoying my harvest. The pricing is also very reasonable and if you are in to huge zucchinis they are just a buck.
Come early as crowds definitely do form. Parking is not bad and if you wish you can also take your own vehicle which I believe they charge $3 for. Also visit their website and find out what's in season as well as their calendar events. May I also recommend their dark chocolate peanut butter and local honey! Happy picking!