Sadly, thus spot is nothing special. The beer is a huge disappointment, and I tried a few. They all lacked a certain oomph. Just because it's craft beer doesn't mean it's good. Service was less than enthused (3 out of 4 servers we dealt with clearly had something better to do) And... I don't get all the raving about the bread. It's bread people! $6 for a few slices of chewy sourdough and a pile of butter? You want homemade bread? Try Terroni or Sud Forno. Or your local Portuguese bakery. Or even an Ace baguette from Loblaws fergodsake.
I love food. I love beer. I wanted to love this place. But... give me a cold Mill St tank house (yes, even post Labatt takeover - gasp!) and a big ole bag of New York Cheddar Kettle chips and my Friday eve is a happy place indeed. For, coincidentally, about $6...
Dear all the people who wrote the salivating reviews: I think all that Pabst Blue has done something wonky to your taste buds. Please consider medical assistance.
Dear everyone else: save your money.