| - This credit one credit card is for those who need repair the credit. Yes, it has outrageous annual fee, but it clearly has stated on the letter when you sign up. Yes, it charges high interest right away on whatever you charges. However, you would be doing all right if you read all terms. Yes, it has kept sending mails seducing you to sign up and looked like Capital One!
I finally signed up the card by accident just in order to increase my total credit limit on top of Citibank thank you preferred which had only $1,000 limit. Nonetheless, I chose not to activate it after I read those terms in the mail and bad reviews that there were unexpected charges. I called the crappy customer service, and took me 10 minutes to cancel that card with someone who barely spoke English.
After I canceled, I just waited for one month, and managed to get my Discover Card combined my Citi credit card in Feb., 2016. I felt lucky not being hassled by this company! Until now, even though I have two collections, I still got multiple Chase credit cards including the CSP and freedom, Citibank credit Card, and Discover It with a high total limit well over $10,000. You got need patience and time when rebuilding your credit score.