I am so glad I gave this salon a try! The reviews were awesome so I thought, why not? I had been doing gel polish on my nails at home forever and when I finally took it off...wow! My nails were paper thin and splitting bad! I tried fixing them at home and they just kept getting worse! So I knew I needed to put acrylics on them and let them grow out under. But honestly I was scared! Visions of electric files burning holes through my already thin nails were haunting me. I've been to a lot of salons and I've never walked out without at least getting burned or nicked a little, usually more than a little. So I was very nervous walking in. Cindy looked at my nails and dove right in. She was sooo gentle! She even made sure to add a little extra on them because they were so weak and she didn't want me breaking them and hurting myself. I walked out with EXACTLY what I wanted and not one single nick or burn! She is AMAZING! She took her time and did a beautiful job making them look totally natural. I will never ever go to any other shop ever again! Not to mention her English is very good so you won't spend your time asking "huh?, what was that?, I didn't hear you?" over and over. Cindy is amazing!!!!!