I live 3 mins away from Rivas Mexican grill.. I am from Mexico City.. I know what a really good taco , meat, or an authentic Mexican plate tastes like.: I really recommend this place to eat: Robertos , pepes, and tacos el Gordo have nothing on this place. This place is clean and they prep and cook the meat in front on you. Other places have everything frozen and the quality of the met is really bad:: You can taste the difference on a carne asana fries from Rivas and pepes. Taste its way better and unique at Rivas. Been from Mexico City demands me to eat quality food not any kind of food just because it's a Mexican restaurant . Rivas has good taste but you're never going to taste IN AMERICA as same as Mexico because everything starts how the animal is grown and prep. But that's all my comment on Rivas I really recommended