Ugh, why do I keep coming back? Probably because I love Chipotle and I always give in to that craving since I work close to this location.
I went again today and the employee rushed me, even though it was 3 PM and no one was behind me. I asked for half pinto, half black beans and he gave me a ton of black beans, which turned into a congealed mess. I forgot this location's employees have clearly been told to overload bowls with beans to fill up on that cheap ingredient!
I wouldn't have been as annoyed if asking for more toppings didn't make me feel like I was pulling teeth. I got gypped on guac because I decided to get it on the bowl instead of on the side like I usually do, so I'll never do that again!
I also hate how this location doesn't have WiFi. I talk all day long at my job and enjoy my peaceful lunch breaks by myself, but it's not fun when you can't connect to anything. Not a huge deal, but since this location is close to many businesses, it's something the lunch crowd should be aware of if they're looking for somewhere to relax and eat.