Let's start this off right. This is not a gourmet BBQ joint. What this is, is a tasty place to eat, if you are on the go, and surprisingly healthy...wait...stop...don't leave...I'M NOT KIDDING!!!
OK quit giggling and start googling. Still with me? No no...it's ok...google Dickey's nutrition information and follow along...it's cool...I'll wait. OK I lied..not waiting.
The smoked chicken breast is delicious, low fat, low carb, and delicious. Yes. Delicious is in there twice. It is honestly really good!!!
Pair that with a side salad and use 1/2 the dressing and you have a recipe for a healthy to-go lunch/dinner when you are on the road.
There. See. I am not insane...OK I might be according to the loving wife...but her opinion is the only one that matters.
Back to the food. It is good, fast, and can be healthy. Keep an open mind and an open Google app and you to can eat healthy on the go.