I have been a loyal customer for over 9 years and a huge advocate for this company despite negative comments made by others but after tonight I'm done. Anytime I have ever wanted to pay by credit card they have taken my information. Often times they run very late and can't ever seem to plan a timed call but looked past that out of my sheer loyalty to this local business. Anytime I have ever wanted to pay by credit card they have taken my information. However Tonight I was told they couldn't take it cause no can was available with a credit card machine, being a regular I knew those don't exist and quickly told the dispatcher I pay over the phone all the time, I was then told no one was there to process it. What?!?! It's 2015 you enter my info in! It's not hard. They refused to give me a ride cause they didn't know how to process a credit card. So I called Uber. First time ever I turned my back on yellow checker but I'm done. I use then sometimes 3-5 times a week and after that I'll never use them again. Just ridiculous.