I will never return to this Jiffy Lube. My experience here was unpleasant.
I won't recount the whole story of my experience moment by moment, but what I will say about this place is that I left there feeling as though I'd been bamboozled and that they'd try to take advantage of me.
I will say that I felt as if they were trying to sell me ANYthing and everything. Their gimmick? They pull out your air filter and show you how dirty it is and try to sell you a new air filter. they try to sell you all kinds of services. Despite my stating - I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING ABOVE A STANDARD OIL CHANGE. Every time I was asked would I like this or that, I repeated that statement. After the oil change was complete, I was told my oil change would be $74 dollars. $74 dollars for a standard oil change? really? I spoke with the manger, i wanted them to put my old filter back in and put my old oil back in my car. I wasn't going to pay for that. They tried to slip in a charge for some kinda super duper oil despite my repeated requests for nothing extra and just the standard oil change. The manager did reduce the price back to whatever teh standard oil change cost would be.
I will NEVER go back here. I quite possibly will NEVER go to another Jiffy Lube. I can't stand the way they try to push any and everything on you.