| - I am very happy that I decided to go to the Y. With 2 little ones, it is really difficult to squeeze in workout sessions. Also, I don't like standard by-myself workouts. I joined because I was interested in all of the classes that came along with the membership.
The kids had a blast at the kid zone. My son loved the PacMan Atari game, and when I went back to grab them, I could hear them screaming down the hall! Apparently, one of the trainers had turned in to a monster and had my little guy upside down laughing until his face was blue! You have no idea what a relief it is to know that I'm not neglecting my kids, and instead they are having a great time. They are very excited to go back.
I went for the Zumba class, which was rescheduled and I instead took Athletic Training. I'm not going to lie, that class totally kicked my ass. But it was a lot of fun and it was a great way to jump start my regimine. The trainer was great, friendly, and passionate about fitness. Exactly what you would want in a trainer.
I toured around, loving all of the facilities. The staff were all very friendly and down to earth. The equipment all looked brand new and professional. Much better than I would have expected.
I'm really excited to continue classes at the Y. I'm definitely taking advantage of the swim lessons for my 4 year old (free with my membership this month), and my son will be enrolled in soccer in March. I love the discounts on everything!
My husband is also really looking forward to his free one on one session with a personal trainer and his 6 week jumpstart program. This was a great investment for my family. I'm very excited to get back in shape for the summer!