| - While I really enjoyed Phil&Sebastian's old location in the farmers market, it seems as though they have made this little nook in Chinook Mall their own.
I have to say, I am more of a tea person myself, and almost feel intimidated into liking Phil&Sebastians by coffee people so not to be ridiculed. I have had their drip coffee before and enjoyed it. I have also tried one of their infamous lattes, and they use my favourite kind of soymilk, the texture of the soy lending itself well to latte art.
Not too long ago, I stopped in with a friend, and she purchased me a cup of tea. I was happy to see that they were using an actual steeping device with loose leaf, like many other specialty tea shops use for tea to go. I personally am not a fan of these devices as they are plastic, and often carelessly cleaned at establishments I've seen in the past. However, my tea came out tasting okay, and it was worth waiting a couple minutes as opposed to being served bagged tea.
I would rather be sipping on said tea while shopping for potatoes and brussel sprouts at the aforementioed old farmer's market than Chinook Mall, but I guess I can consider this a place to hide and read if I am ever dragged to Chinook. It's quieter. Perhaps the Starbucks yuppies haven't caught on yet.