| - Wait, Wut? Didn't this place used to be Rock, Wood, Grass? And furthermore, did I just age myself by making that point? I think I did... Le Sigh... I am tres getting old. But (in another dated reference) as Bob Dylan once wrote "The times, they are a-changing'".
In my entire life, I would never think that a cool-ish brewery would find it's way onto Mercer Street of all the streets in TO. I mean this was (may still be) the height of wanna be bougie, douchey clubbing in all it's scantily clad glory? A brewery in the entertainment district...? Something about fishes being out of water comes to mind.
But I digress, perhaps ol'Bob was right? Maybe Mercer, much like the times, is a changing and Mascot Brewery is at the epicenter of this change (fingers crossed). Currently, the main two floors inside are still clubbing... and clubbing hard. Bass that will blow your middle ear out your asshole, and lots of drunk groping and bump'n grind (I think the main two floors go by a different name).
Mascot lays claim, at least this summer, to the rooftop patio! And my oh my they've changed their look and feel. At first, I thought it was a club wearing a brewery's clothing but it's actually a brew-ha-ha! They make their own beer and soon they will actually have the tanks on premise to prove it.
The experience overall was really fun, the beer was tasty and even the food was pretty good overall (it's made out of a food cart that's been lifted onto the roof - legit!
I'd have happily left this a 4 star. But just prior to leaving for the night it began to rain... EGGS!!! Yes, some jack-off from the condos that overlook the Mascot rooftop started hurling eggs like it was the Battle of Helm's Deep (pause for you to get gratuitous Lord Of The Rings reference). I got hit 3 times before I could seek cover (and that went for everyone).
I was annoyed and asked my server about this and she just shrugged and said, "it happens". Cool.
So we left, and bumped into the cops out front and figured we'd give the 911 the 411. They did the same thing as the server "nothing we can do... it happens every weekend" WOT? (lol, great police work sir, remind me to not pay your salary next year officer cueball).
If this happens every weekend and we're just excepting a good egging like it's passing by traffic, that is where we lose a star guys. If this is an ongoing issue, make patrons aware, put up some signage (or better yet a netting of sorts). And if all else fails, and you're aware, offer to buy those impacted a drink or pay for some dry cleaning.
Anywhoo... not bitter about it. I'll still go back but next time, I'm bringing a paintball gun and am gonna light that condo up like a Christmas tree if they start (never bring a knife to a gun fight). Be advised. *****
Eatcrest out
- Just to clarify, because you KNOW someone is going to take from my last sentence something out of context
1) Levity. I tend to use extreme funny examples to drive my points home
2) Paint Ball... not a real gun. Daddy don't play with guns