Sharing my experience. My flight from San Francisco to Phoenix was 35 minutes behind schedule.However I was fortunate (or maybe unfortunate) to have a 1 hour and 10 minute layover in Phoenix. Not sure what happened but when arriving in Phoenix I only had 24 minutes to get to my next gate by the time started deboarding it took about 10 minutes for the plane to deboard enough to get to me and the door. As soon as I got off I ran from A25 to B2. I'm a pretty good runner and I was able to run on the fast walkways which helped. I literally got to the gate at 8:01pm and the plane leaves at 8:10pm. As soon as I ran up they pointed me at another lady and said go talk to customer service and pointed a little aimlessly to who I thought was another lady that was going to get me on my flight. I asked the other lady who I thought I was being directed to if she was customer service, she said no customer service is around the corner. I had a sinking feeling at this point. I waited in line behind two other people and was up to the desk in a few minutes as it was 8:05pm by this time. Customer service said they could not let me on the plane. No other flights that US Airways could work with and they had none for the night. I am stuck in Phoenix for the night. They did give me a hotel, but my clothes were checked in complementary checking as they ran out of overhead space on the previous flight. A couple of things that could have been done very different, as well as impacts to my life.
1. Typically when flights are behind the airline asks that anyone having a tight connecting flight be allowed to deboard first.
2. A minute late to the gate seems ridiculous to not allow me on. Maybe you boarded quicker than expected but you knew I was coming I would have expected you to accommodate me especially when you are the same airline that screwed up in the first place.
3. I don't have any clothes to wear tonight so I'll be in my work clothes, and have to get up early to fly back to SLC in my same clothes. It would be nice if you had a complimentary kit for me even a long t-shirt or something that I could use.
4. I was told well at least you get a free breakfast at the hotel. Nice looking at the positive until i get to the hotel and find out my flight leaves to early for me to enjoy the breakfast. It seems like it just keeps piling on.
5. My family was sad I have two little children at home and they are sad that their daddy was coming home like they thought. My wife also said she was sad but she likely is happy she get s a big bed to herself.
6. We had to interrupt my job I will miss out on two key meetings one internal and one with a client.
7. It will interrupt my wifes work to allow for this flight delay. I miss out on half a day of work time, and my wife now has to miss work time to come get me. I did ask the customer service rep how that works and she says well we don't offer a service so you can pay for a cab and then call customer service and see if they can do anything. That comment didn't instill any confidence especially when the results from this company have shown that I shouldn't trust them.
If the Airline would like to reach out to me feel free. I would like to see how we can change this post into a more positive one but I will leave it unchanged until you contact me.