I love these guys & have been with them seems forever but I have to say unless you are there & know they will charge once a week whether they are there or not..... Seems they do the minimal to get here, get done & go... Okay, I hate to do this but several complaints... I have complained for many years how my lawn isn't green & there are spots it's just plain dead.... I want more water but maybe the grass grows faster & they don't want it to or the requests are just ignored.... maybe they increase a couple of seconds but that no where near enough. There are annoying weeds all over & it looks like they just mow over them... Then the sprinklers. Unless I see they're broken they don't get fixed & EVERYTHING is next week or not the time of year or any other excuses. I have a bush that's right next to the cool deck...... if they trim it at all I can't see it & it's impossible to walk around my pool.... they could cut it way back & let it train to of another direction.... I've asked in the past for some hibiscusto be planted in several different places but it falls on deaf ears..... Again, I love these people but I need better service for what I'm being charged.... I even pay extra overtime so not to worry about these things I'm obviously worried about here. I really need attention. I'm about to the end of my rope!
One more thing..... when they leave there is all kinds of clippings in my pool & they tend to just laugh & say by the time my pool guy comes it will all be sucked up... not cool!
Again, I do love these guys & don't know what happened. They are doing a great job now & I'd recommend them to everyone!