| - A great concept with great-tasting burgers with lots of extras.
It's expensive. But because I know Symon goes out of his way to use local, responsibly-raised beef, I won't complain. You know the prices going in, and you know the quality of the food is high. I remember him writing on Facebook once something like: "if you feel you have to order a burger well done to make sure it's safe to eat, why are you eating that meat in the first place." Good point.
I ordered the "Fat Doug," cooked medium. Ridiculous. Pastrami, coleslaw, swiss and mustard. Dipped it in the Lola Ketchup, with has a nice smoky, spicy taste. The burger didn't look that large when it came. I finished the first half fast, had a few onion rings and fries, then barely was able to finish the second half. It was such a good burger, folks. So juicy and flavorful. The toppings didn't take over the burger, they elevated it.
The onion rings, compared to most restaurants are far above average. However, they're not close to the best. You have to go to Bishop's Fine Food in Orrville, Ohio for those. Bishop's batter is unrivaled, and it sells bags of it in Buehlers groceries if you ever want to try it. I recommend making the trip to the corner of 57 and 30 sometime.
The worst part of this meal was the drive home to Cuyahoga Falls. I got home and passed out for an hour - my body's way of telling me it needed me to get out of the way so it could enjoy digesting one of the best greasy meals I've had in a while.
I'm not a huge fan of shoestring fries, but the seasoning on these made them pretty tasty. Another plus is the pickle bar, with some regional favorites (Tony Packo's sweet and spicies) and the six sauces on every table, including the tangy Shasha yellow sauce.
I'll be back in a few months and share a burger with my friend.