This is the dumbest fucking rental car place in this airport I plan a trip reserve my fucking car and to the desk to pay with my credit card!! The lady enters the information in wrong charges me more than I'm posed to be charged for the car! Car was 225 I used my credit card with 300 dollars on it she charged me 324 for what reason I have no clue and then tells me I did it wrong but can't barge your card again until 6am tomorrow meanwhile I've prepaid for a hotel room for a event that I have to be at by 7am with a 5 hour drive ahead you tell me I can't have the car I've caught a Uber to the airport to pick up! Some how this is okay for customer service that nobody cares to try n fix it u shrug and say just come back in the morning!!! I can't you DICK!! I've got a 5 hour drive and your telling me you messed up so I have to figure it out!! FUCK DOLLAR RENTAL and FUCK THE LONG HAIR WHITE GIRL AT THE DESK WHO FUCKED UP MY TRIP!! I've been in customer service for years and there has never been a instant where IF I MESS UP we as a company don't try in fix it! I wish I could give hem zero stars worst fucking rental care service ever simply bc there is no we will fix this for you with these ppl! It's just what it is we fucked up sorry come back at 6 am meanwhile it's 5 in the fucking evening!!! I'm so livid I could fuck this place up the employees and cars to!! Save yourself time and energy and go anywhere but DOLLAR!! Or make sure only a manager keys in your rental cuz thats obviously the only person who should be touching a fucking computer around here and even that's a huge MAYBE!!