| - If you are not from Las Vegas and want to do these rides, you can save a few bucks by signing up for the free player card in the casino. I signed up and received a coupon booklet that offered an unlimited pass for the rides and tower for $34 (including tax, advertised at $28 something before tax). If you are staying at the Stratosphere you also get the lower price, otherwise the rides are $15 each, plus you have to pay to get to the tower, topping out at around $45 just to ride the rides once-- get the unlimited if you think you might want to ride one twice. Anyway, I am not one much for 'extreme' rides, but I thought what the hell, I'm in Vegas, let me check it out. They are all unnerving-- these rides are contraptions attached to the exterior of the Stratophere, so you are 109 stories up and one of the rides takes you right over the edge so you are hanging in mid air 109 stories up. As you wait for the ride to begin, you start remembering all the amusement park horror stories of rides gone horribly wrong and wonder if you will be the next one, falling 109 stories to a gory end.
I went on the claw thingy 3 times (the one that holds you out over the side of the building). The other two were all about G-force and I think if you are a man in your 20's, that is your thing... but not for me, once was enough. The cool thing about the unlimited pass is that I went back at night and taking the ride at night was pretty cool and totally different than the day experience. I liked seeing all the swimming pools in the yards all over the city during the day, and of course the lights of the city were awesome at night.
The night I went there was a high school having their prom on the top of the Stratopshere and apparently they could ride all the rides as part of their event. It made the lines a little longer, but it was kind of fun to be with a bunch of glammed up teens and their photos in elegant formal wear on the rides was cute.
Just an FYI-- the unlimited pass is just for the 3 rides at the top. There is a separate bungee jump thing you can do, someone told me that was $150 but I am not sure, I certainly was not looking to free fall off the side of 109 stories!
If the staff of the Stratophere is reading this, I'd like to say one of the hotel elevator operators was pretty rude to a group of high school prom goers. Apparently they were restricted to a certain set of elevators and the rest were reserved for the other guests. The high school students I observed were all well behaved and didn't deserve the rudeness of that elevator operator toward them for a simple mistake in which elevator to take. I am sure that prom party paid a lot for that space so they certainly deserve a little more courtesy.