| - Back at Christmas I can in to this location during a particularly busy time, and had to wait a while behind a large order. No big deal right? I didn't think so, shiz happens, I'm not gonna get all butt-hurt cuz I hadta wait a few minutes. At any rate, the cashier apologized and have me a little business card with a coupon to come back later and "buy one burrito, get one free"
Fast forward to today, I decide I'm gonna get me a burrito, and stop in at this location. Now, I knew that my coupon had expired, but I thought wth, might as well give it a try. I asked the manager, shift lead, whatever, if I can still use the coup and says "sorry sir (yes...he called me "sir") this has been expired for months" I tell him no problem, and order my food. When I go to pay for my burrito, the guy tells me "you know what, don't worry about it, you got that coupon because we messed up last time, I'm not gonna charge you...AND imunna comp your drink too"
This is why these guys are the best!!! Pay attention you other quick serve joints. It's called customer service, Chipotle nails it!