I was booking a flight to go see a family member who is extremely ill and on her death bed and as I was confirming my flight (literally just typed in my credit card number) I pressed BOOK and the page stopped saying it could not confirm my flight. WHY? because in that 10 seconds the flight went up $100 (I'm travelling from Toronto to Montreal)
I called and explained to the agent my situation and that money is tight and I NEEDED to book this flight. She could not have cared any less.
My boyfriend and I are frequent flyers and have chosen Air Transat 80% of the time we travel to visit family.
NEVER AGAIN. Not me, not my boyfriend and I will be telling as many people as I possibly can about this heartless company. Pathetic excuse for human beings behind this operation. Hope making $100 on this flight is worth the thousands more you'll lose from me and every single person I know.