This is an awful store and location. I've been in multiple times and every time has been bad service. Once we were waiting at the cash in the men's section for 15 minutes for someone to show up so we could check out. We searched for them everywhere and no where to be found I finally left my boyfriend at the cash to wait while I went downstairs to have them call someone. That was appalling but we got over it. The store was also a complete mess and even though it was 5p on a Friday (there should've been plenty of sales associates on the floor) there was no one. We even saw a man swipe a bunch of sunglasses off one of the displays and no one stopped him! (We would've said something but couldn't find any associates!)
Anyways back to now. I went shopping for some dresses for me and shirts for my bf and couldn't find anyone to help so I just grabbed what I could find. Anyways I'm going to stop by rant but tonight I had THE WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE IVE EVER EXPERIENCED! And from 3 different associates! 2 upstairs at the men's cash and 1 bitch downstairs at women's cash. I'm completely appalled and disgusted at this customer service in the store and how they treat people.
I tried calling the store after and of course they give you the run around. Not surprising. The best is that as I was coming down from the escalator I watched one of the sales associates behind the watch counter slip a watch into his pocket with no one watching. So it seems even the associates don't believe this store is worth respecting.
Dead The Bay, this is disgusting. You should shut down that location and brutally fire everyone they are awful people. I'm appalled and disgusted at how they treated me and how they treat the store.