| - I love it here! I really do. I enjoy walking around looking at their well stocked items, the amazing, always filled display of fruits and vegetables, scooping bulk items into a bag to be purchases....I could go on forever, but I think you get the picture. Normally, I hate grocery shopping but Sprouts makes the experience very likeable.
Their staff is super helpful, always willing to point me in the right direction when I'm searching for something. They're very nice too! No complaints there.
It isn't until I get to check out that I have the problem (and maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it is). I bring my own bags, which sometimes I think i get a discount for? It's like a nickel, so no biggie there but the baggers! THE GROCERY BAGGERS! They must learn how to pack bags. Bread on the bottom? Underneath milk, apples, bananas and other produce? Really? Dumping all my items into the bag without a care?!
Sometimes I ask if certain items can be on top, which the employee usually politely obliges but I feel awful getting mad at the employees so I usually dump my entire bag out in my trunk and pack it myself. Sometimes the employees see and I still feel awful, but that's a personal matter.
Love this store but sometimes I'd rather pack my bags myself.