If you are open until 9:30pm, you should serve your food until 9:30pm. I drove the extra mileage to this specific store because they were open half an hour later than other stores in the area. When I arrived, the staff behind the counter rudely told me they were closing soon when I said hello and pointed to haphazard piles of the leftover entrees (which, by the way, were all mixed up, so too bad for anyone with any food allergies) and told me to pick what I wanted from that.
Okay, I understand the low food inventory at the end of the night. But if a customer comes in for a take-away order of premade food that requires you to do nothing extra other than scoop it on a plate for them, AND it is still within your store's business hours, don't treat them like they've just presented you with an enormous inconvenience. It's literally your job.
Never been to this location before and will definitely never be back. Panda Express on Frank Lloyd Wright, you are not special. If you don't treat your customers with respect, they will just go elsewhere.