First time here last weekend. I found the price for the daily pass and rental of harness with a first-time orientation very reasonable at around $14-18 (check their website for latest prices).
Even though the place got crowded (with a lot of kids) there were Plenty of walls always available to try at all levels, and the adults there were laid back. Place was chill and I didn't feel intimidated to try everything. They have a high level "bouldering" section away from all the kiddos; which is nice.
The only thing I noticed when I first walked in, was the barefoot smell Lol reminded me of playgrounds growing up; and it gets pretty hot in there during the summer. They do have fans in there but- it doesn't help much. I was expecting those two things though, so whatever.
I had a lot of fun and I highly recommend going with a friend to help you with the ropes and harness if it's your first time.