Because where else can you fill up your tank on the cheap, have lunch for two dollars, then stock up on enough toilet paper and laundry soap to last you three months in one place? Not only that. This Costco is in a perfect location to hit up Target for anything you don't need in bulk or jumbo sized, see a movie at the Harkins, or do maybe get a blingy phone case or a knock off designer handbag.
This Costco is pretty much like all the others. The staff are amazing and I went to high school with half of them. Weird. But says a lot about the company.
Love the prices for most things. Some things are way over priced but there are things like certain drinks and lunch snacks that I don't want to have to shop for every week. The convenience of buying a thousand in one package just make life so much more enjoyable.
I don't know what else to say about this Costco. Besides what I would say before going into any Costco. Make a list and stick to it.