| - I went to the Southern and Alma store and had issues I discussed elsewhere. I tried another outfit, great help, but after three pairs of unwearable glasses, I decided to try a different A B. Worked with Natasha, got two pairs of bi-focals set up the way I wanted. Very happy but....the ugly, due to a surgery on my right eye, my existing two pairs had the wrong vision on one side. My new pairs are the same frames so I thought just get two replacement lenses to bring my old glasses up to spec. They sell two pair like mine for bout $200, how much could two lenses be? Punch in the specs, let the grinder do its work, and a few bucks to ship them. I'll tell you how much, $157!!! For two lenses a machine punches out in a few minutes? how a return customer is treated? I truly wish they hadn't tried to scam me this way. I felt I had found a business I could count on. A rare thing nowadays. Guess I was wrong. Thought I might continue this sorry tale. Soon after I posted this, I received a note from the manager saying they wanted to make this right. I suggested a reasonable price. Sometime later, Ms Nancy J sent me another message, not to try to help, but to say she asked the District Manager to contact me. Here it is, seven days later, no word yet, hmmm. If I seem upset, let me show a little math....two pairs of glasses, one tinted, $220. Less the checking me vision, say $40, and less two frames @$60 each, and tint @$25. If my math is right, two PAIRS of lenses would be $35ish. So, yeah, a buck and a half for ONE pair seems a tad high. You will probably get a good pair of glasses here, but don't expect much more after you walk out the door.