| - I don't pretend not to shop at Walmart-because I do. It's easy, convenient, and carries just about everything I need. Plus, the prices are pretty great, and hey, their almost on every corner out here.
But, I've found that some Walmart's are better then others. Why? I'm not 100% sure. Some are clean, some are not. This one is probably high on the list of gross and disgusting lists across town. I shop here because it's close to home and well, let's be honest some things can be found just about anywhere. I come here mostly for stockable home items such as cat food and litter, cleaning products and other household items.
It's not so much the clientele here as much as it is the state of the store. The first few times I came here I was like "Oh HELL NO I need to find another Walmart." But now I just go when I absolutely have to. The store feels dirty, disorganized and overall tired.
The bathrooms are constantly in a state of disrepair and they randomly shut them down for cleaning at the worst possible times. If you try to ask the person cleaning that you need to go badly, they get rude and nasty with you. How do I know this? It's happened to me on more then one occasion where I've had to go badly and been told tough shit go to the back of the store. I've seen it happen to women with kids where the kids gotta go and the rude bathroom attendant sends them away while the poor kid is sitting there squirming having to use the bathroom.
I've never had a problem with the staff or stocking here, but it is walmart so don't expect to much in that area. Parking does suck, but it's not the main reason I don't like shopping here. It's just a forgotten walmart, and I guess remodeling or cleaning it up isn't a high priority. Overall, your better off driving farther to go to a better one, but I come here because its easy for me. I hate this location so much!