This zoo is DEFINITELY depressing -- a pathetic, small collection of hot, dusty cyclone-fenced cages containing miserable-looking animals passed out in what little shade they can find from the unrelenting desert sun. Particularly grim was this poor old chimp who used to perform in various Strip shows back in his heyday... but now sits neglected and abandoned, forlornly jerking off in his grimy little enclosure. But what makes this place MOST depressing is the ironic fact that Siegfried & Roy's estate is right down the street -- less than a mile away, white lions, tigers and panthers are lounging in custom-habitat luxury, while here at Auschwitz Zoo their poor unlucky cousins are languishing in sun-baked exile. I love Siegfried & Roy, and they have done a LOT for the community... but come on! All it would take would be one gala fundraiser, and this zoo could be pimpin'. Instead what do they do? Open a private zoo on the grounds of a hotel-casino. Boo!
I give the LV Zoo staff props for trying. The two stars here are for the people of Las Vegas... come on, guys! Let's all pitch in and make this a world-class zoo, as our 2-million-plus population deserves!