| - When I donated my kidney a few months ago, Wendy from Petite Maison brought me 6 pints of soup. At the time, I had never met her, the chef or eaten there. How cool is that? After being on painkillers for several days, I was severely constipated. It happens. The lentil soup she brought over did the *ahem* trick, though!
I finally got to go there last weekend for their late night Staff Meal, which was dessert-themed. My friend Leslie made all the desserts.
The service was great, except for having to ask for water twice. There weren't many people there, but it was also after hours, so I'll forgive it because it was such a cute place!
It feels like a ski lodge inside. There is wood everywhere! Cute chandeliers over the tables, too.
Oh, and the bathroom was nice. Not too fancy, but nicer than most places.
I will definitely come back here for a regular meal, but I wanted to get the word out about this place.
Good people, who care about others in the community. Great atmosphere and for being in Old Town, douchebag-free.