| - Oh my stars and garters, with Batman out front and a creepy Joker inside, Gotham City Comics (and Coffee) is full of character! -WOWZERS!-
Holy, fandoms unite! Whovians, Browncoats, Scoobies, Trekkies, Bronies, Potterheads, Jedi, and Avengers assemble...
Because there is something for every superheroes, villain and citizen to enjoy at Gotham. -SHAZAM!-
Have a ball perusing the cool items the store has to offer from (of course) comics - old and new, figurines, cards and more! All in the comfort of an fun AND welcoming environment. -BAM!-
The staff is knowledgable -POW!- and helpful -BANG!- and not pushy at all. -ZAP!-
Usually, there are groups debating the latest pop culture news or people gaming each time I have stopped in the shop. -ALLONS-Y!- They have evenings of watching Doctor Who or playing Magic (and probably other nights I am not aware of yet). -WHAM!- And there is a charming coffee bar that even offers slushies! -BOOM!-
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest to lunacy. That's how far away the world is to where I am. One bad day" - The Joker
No need to worry, G.C.C. is here to help chase all those bad days and boogeymen away! -SPLAT!-