I had a moment of clarity where I realized I sat around watching TV far too often and was losing too many brain cells; therefore I decided to try and find a library and start reading to become a smart kid again! The Juniper Branch was the closest one too me and I was surprised to find that I actually drive past it a few times a week but it's kind of hidden from the road.
I had signed up for a library card online but needed to go in to actually pick it up. The lady at the desk was friendly and helpful, the library itself is clean and pretty easy to figure out. They have quite a few computers available for use and I didn't have any trouble getting onto one right away with the system they use to reserve them.
I really like that you have the option to search for books and then put a hold request in for them on the library's website. I've used it for several books so far and they come in pretty quickly. It's very convenient when they are available at this branch as well because they have a huge shelf that they put all the holds onto so you don't have to wait in line for someone at the front desk to help you, you just grab them, go through the self checkout stations they have and you're on your way!