This review is based on one visit and one dish.
I told the waitress that I liked very spicy and that I don't normally eat coconut curries. She recommended the crazy noodles. She said it was very popular. I thought well Mcdonald's is very popular, what if the clientele that comes here are moron's?
I said I would like to have the crazy noodles with pork, thai hot! As hot as you can make it. She laughed a little and then retreated to the kitchen.
As I was waiting a couple came in. I was assuming a Father and Daughter from the age difference but who knows. He had no idea what to order and she was telling him that she liked spicy. She said two stars was all that she could handle. She said that Mike orders three stars and he sweats like a really sweaty guy when he eats it.
I thought holy crap what have I done. I've ordered a heat level off the charts. How am I going to eat this. Is the waitress going to laugh some more and bring out the kitchen staff to laugh at me too. And who the hell is Mike anyway.
She brought out my crazy noodles with some water and told me to enjoy.
I was apprehensive. It looked hot. It looked damn hot. It had chili seeds everywhere. I took a bite. Ok, maybe it's one of those sneek up on you heats. I took another. Ok, this is spicy but not debilitating. This was delicious. I enjoyed every bite, thinking Mike is a sissy.
The waitress came back and asked if it was spicy enough and I said it's fine. I can handle hotter. When she handed me the bill I saw that she only placed 3 stars next to my order. It was not thai hot. I still don't know if I can eat their thai hot.
I wish I knew how to convince the wait staff at Asian restaurants that I really want it hot. They never seem to believe me until after I'm finished eating.