I paid for a membership in full at LVAC. I lost my ID gym card a while back and purchased a new one. Tonight while in the gym parking lot I was searching my car for my new gym card and found my old card! I grabbed the old card and went in. During this time the kid checking me in had a problem. Apparently since I had a new card the old card was voided. I said I couldn't find my new one but found the old one I thought I lost. The kid requested a manager, this manager not only gives me but many many ladies at the gym the creeps! Instead of telling me it's policy to destroy my card, the manager tells me he has to keep it then mentions that I have a sister that I could give the card to use. (Like I would have my sister pretend to be me and use my membership) First off the membership I purchased in full allows guests to come on my membership. Second how dare this manger be so accuse me of this. My sister and others have always used the guest passes I get with my membership and third, how completely unprofessional to accuse LVAC members of this for absolutely no reason!