I've been spoiled by SweetGreen in DC; a similar restaurant that specializes in the art of salad making. This place uses local and seasonal ingredients to make the most amazing salads! When I'm eating a salad, the feeling that you're eating something so good and it's good for you is the hallmark of a winning salad. The addition of depth in the form a grilled or roasted veggies makes all the difference. Have you ever had grilled or roasted veggies over a bed of greens?! Yummmmm! I've found this combination to be the formula for feel good, taste good, and good for you salad. I saw only one roasted veggie, roasted butternut squash was listed in one of the salads. I hope to see some grilled or pickled veggies offered once the season changes. My salad was one note with very little wow factor. I think the addition of more roasted and grilled veggies would be a game changer.