| - The Lakewood USPS on Warren Rd. is a drag, straight up.
There's usually a few women, one tranny, and one male that work "the floor" here. Each employee takes turns shuffling fake tasks and pretending they have something important to do, when really they're just lazy and don't want to work and are obviously milking the USPS union for every cent it's worth.
There is constantly a long line, at least a bakers dozen deep, not exaggerating! Even Howard at the now defunct W. 117th USPS could rock the line faster than four of them. Every time the line gets long, an employee puts up their "next register please" sign and then wanders aimlessly around until it's the other employees turn to do the same. It's brutal when you have more than one package to ship, let alone 9 or 10 or whatever. Sometimes the "manager" will come out and address the frustrated line of people by saying "if you have a credit card, go to the self service station" or "picking up mail?" instead of actually being of any help what-so-ever.
There is one particular employee there who is to be avoided at all costs. He goes by Kenton. Kenton is a frustrated, angry, and intimidating guy who has nothing but disdain and hatred for you, his job, himself, and all of mankind. Unless you fill out every form and do every single thing you need to correct, he will go through every possible motion to make you feel terrible about writing an address in the wrong place, or accidentally making an "S" look like a "5" or something. I've seen him tear nice old grandma ladies to shreds over something as trivial as stamps. Also, he acts somewhat robotic and ignores you sometimes and just talks at you instead of to you, reciting USPS upselling techniques to buy more stamps or to upgrade your service to a faster delivery. Beware using plastic or he'll be snatching up your credit card to make sure theres a signature and inspecting your state I.D. (all the while holding up a 10 person line).
I shouldn't be so hard on Kenton, but I fear he will someday go "postal", and I don't want to get iced at the USPS on Warren Rd. That being said, everybody who works there really doesn't give a good goddamn if anything is getting done and you will wait until you turn into a skeleton.