I don't love Elvis nor do I hate him, so I came into this with an open mind. I like music and I always enjoy a free concert. Unfortunately, I left this show feeling empty. Be weary of Big Elvis.
- Great voice. Big Elvis belts out the best tunes in perfect pitch
- The show is in Bill's which is one of the best casinos on the strip
- It's free! Drinks and merch are available for purchase
- The crowd has an average age of 65
- Big Elvis doesn't stand up. He sits in front of the stage. No, not on the stage. In front of it. Why this happens, I have no idea. What I do know is that it makes him impossible to see if you're 20 or more feet away from the stage
- The music and noise from the casino, street, etc is distracting and will drown out Big Elvis if you're not close to the stage
- The opening act (Kenny Rogers lookalike) sings a few songs to kick things off, only to come back near the end of the show to sing a few more. No one is impressed
- Big Elvis dips into the king's gospel catalog quite a bit. If you're not a fan of his slower tunes, you may fall asleep
As a big fan of kitschy Vegas, it's hard not to get 100% behind this strange act. However, Big Elvis is simply missing the zing that makes Vegas entertainment so special.