My first week in Charlotte I was lucky enough to be treated to sushi by some coworkers. They wanted to sit in the bar, as you can see they have their priorities straight, so we ordered dinner there too.
This place just opened and I think it has some real potential but the service was awful. Not awful because they didn't care but awful because everyone was brand new and I don't think any of them had ever been in food service before in their lives.
Now aside from that....we ordered as a group and decided on a HUGE platter of sashimi and another large platter of rolls. We had a veggie in the group so we had to get some vegetarian rolls. The sashimi was awesome. Ginormous pieces and very good quality. The only thing I was disappointed in was the fat belly tuna, it was very tough and must have been white tuna and not blue fin. Aside from that the sashimi was top notch. The rolls were like a 4 on a scale of 5. Not huge and not a ton of fish but also not overdone which i appreciate. The vegetarian rolls were awful. Like we didn't finish them and instead ordered more food.
But, A- to the sashimi, once they get the right kind of fat belly tuna it will be an A+