| - Do not rent here. This place is tempting because of the attached garages and relatively low rent for the nice area.
The noise level cannot be emphasized enough. I can tell you my neighbors preferred television shows, music, dinner conversation, and bathroom habits. And they're not rude/loud people. The units are just so poorly built.
It is also unhealthy to live here. I had a leak develop in my bathroom ceiling. No worries, called maintenance, over a week later it's not fixed. They have been scratching their heads for over a week not sure how to stop the leak. Meanwhile the whole apartment stinks like mildew, I have developed a sore throat from living with the growing mold, the water damage in the bathroom is out of control. Maintenance response? Place my little bathroom trash can and a bucket in place to catch most of the water, instruct me to continue to clean up the rest (and there is a lot), and wait for it to solve itself.
I have lived in 3 apartments in AZ, anywhere else, a call to the office stating that it is literally raining inside the unit would be treated as an emergency. This place has allowed an uncontrollable leak to fester for over a week.