I wanted to get my husband's durango detailed as a gift. It's his baby
I actually spoke to Oren to schedule my appointment. The roof inside the truck had soda splashed all over the tan interior that was the major concern among getting the truck deep cleaned. Oren guided me to the appropriate package for what I wanted. I ended up choosing the 299 package.
Pauline and male came out to detail the truck. They were punctual and friendly. Before they left Pauline showed me the magic of their work. I was impressed with how much patience and detail work they did. She even had makeup brushes
My husband loved it and we just scheduled my car to be done. 3 kids can really destroy a car. I will post an update in 2 weeks when my car in finished.
I love that I was able to request the same team again. I really enjoyed seeing a woman out there rocking it!