| - I took a glorious swan dive off my bike on a trail in Verona, which resulted in a completely bloody right side of my body, a torn jersey, and some ghost shifting in the middle of the cartridge on my new Trek. Thankfully, I bit it only a few blocks from Atkins'. I came in, and the initial mechanic first asked me if I was okay. She then took a brief look at my bike, and turned it over to Mike. Mike did a thorough job looking over the gears, the spokes, the cartridge, and all other components. Thankfully, he found no damage to the bike from the spill. Furthermore, he gave the bike a minor tuneup on the spot. When I left the shop, it rode better than before! These guys are incredibly professional, value customer service, and see like really decent people. I don't live in the Madison area anymore but if I did, I would definitely bike to Verona to get my tuneups because if these guys.