Disgusting company. While the movers were in my apartment my moms cell phone went missing within 15 minutes. We looked everywhere and even unpacked all the bags looking for the phone, dug through trash and had maintenance Sig through the dumpster. Eventually called T-mobile and they told us the phone was off. Since the phone went missing we decided to cancel the move. After we had our stuff back in the apartment we started looking through the drawers. We then found my wireless headphones (which I had left in the bathroom and were not supposed to go with the movers) in nightstand drawer and broken. So on top of any chargers the moving company decides to charge we had about $900 dollar loss and damage of our property when the furniture did not even leave the the apartment complex.
Update: First of all no Carol we did not cancel the move right as your movers arrived we cancelled it after about an hour when we realized the phone was stole. And we did file a police report while your crew was still in the apartment actually.