My husband was having a toothache, and ended up going to the 7th Street and Bell Dental. A lady dentist extracted his molar and sent him on his way. I have never seen a surgical procedure done so fast. We have a discount dental company that we signed up with, so the cost was around $150. He went in the back and was out of there in twenty minutes. That night he had pain, which continued for the next couple of days. He went back to the dentist to see if he had a dry socket or maybe a bone chip working it's way out. The lady dentist told him it was fine. The pain continued. We ended up going to an oral surgeon I had used. For a mere $900 a flap way laid and bone fragments were removed, sutured back up, on antibiotics and pain pills. He had no problem after that.
So no, I would never go back to the 7th and Bell Dental Group nor would I ever recommend it to anyone else. I had also questioned the dentist on the first visit and her attitude was, "I am the dentist, not you". That irritated me somewhat, as I have extensive dental background and do know a few things. Go somewhere where they will listen to your concerns and questions. This is not the place.