After a day of climbing Tom's Thumb at the McDowell Mountains, we decided to sit our butts down here and have some beer. Taylor, Travis and I were bellying up to the bar, and there wasn't another patron there. Still, it took the bartender 5 minutes to come over and say hello. We asked for menus and said that we were hoping for delicious beer. He then walked away. %&$*@? Why? He was the only one and he was making drinks for the entire restaurant. This was a Saturday evening at 7pm. Again, WTF? It took another 10 minutes before we could order food. Beer was good, food was good, not going to bother with the details though because this is where it gets odd.
We asked for the check and I went to the bathroom. When I returned, (5-10 min later), he then TELLS us that we owe $33.50. No check printed or presented. Then we hand him 2 $20's and get $3.50 in change back. I'm no accounting wiz, but he is WAY off. This guy was judging us by the time we sat down. I will never return to this place. It is a shame that dress dictates service.