From the outside, you might assume this place isn't great (it's in a strip mall next to a dry cleaner and fitness studio). However, you would be sorely mistaken. Comparing this place to Jersey Mike's (across the street) would be like comparing a Dae Woo to a Maserati. Not a car buff? Okay, how about krystal burger vs five guys? Not a metaphor person? FINE, it's like comparing a poorly assembled piece of trash to a pristine example of the finest craftsmanship. Folks, the sandwiches are great and I am a sandwich person (figuratively, of course). Don't like sandwiches? YOU AREN'T AMERICAN OR HUMAN. Do like sandwiches? EAT HERE!
Other factors:
Ambiance? Cool indie skateboard art, crackle barrel chairs, and tiny TVs. B+
Service? Always friendly and fast. A+
Ingredients? Fresh, but alfalfa sprouts and a better chip selection would be much appreciated! (Artisan brands like Boulder Canyon and Zapps) A-
I cannot vouch for their salads because I am a blue-blooded man and do not eat such things when given the alternative of sandwich.