My experice at Europin is a multiple part story that I will combine into two parts. Before I begin, my purpose for using this store was to get sized and fitted for my best friends' wedding that I had the privilege to be in. Europin was the only retailer of the particular tux for the wedding; I digress.....
Part 1: The fitting went well, got sized up by a nice lady who seemed like she knew what she was doing; not quite. When I went back to grab my tux it didn't fit at all. Europin then had to order a spare tux to alter my friends' and my tux.
Part 2: The Pickup went equally as bad with the "spare" suit needing additional tailoring. I'm not one to ask for compensation but during an experience of this kind I would imagine it to come automatically, however, europin made sure they never get my business ever again.