I've been seeing Dr. Lopez for years, he even delivered my first baby. But I can definitely say I will never be back. I'm in shock with how I was treated by him and his staff today. His office wanted to charge me a copay despite the fact that my insurance company covers wellness checks 100% (it's a new policy, I'm told). Because I refused to pay something that wasn't owed... they sent me into Dr. Lopez's office to discuss it with him (odd I know).
He explained it's because insurance companies promise to pay them but don't. And they're not getting their money. Then complained about how much time they spend calling insurance providers. I told him, it sounded like his office has billing issues... and reiterated that I wouldn't pay an unnecessary copay... in hopes of receiving a refund later. Basically they want to hold my money ransom until insurance pays up. Dr. Lopez has never had issues getting money from my insurance company, ever!! After arguing with me, and telling me I don't know how insurance companies work, he told me he couldn't see me if I didn't pay the 25 dollars. Obviously, I left. I don't care if he delivered my first baby... Any doctor who cares more about 25 (that again wasn't owed to him) than a patient's health care is scum. My insurance company called his office and told him if he doesn't stop this, they'll report him. I hope other people stand up for what is right. If he's getting paid incorrectly he needs to take it out on the insurance companies, not the patient. I hope he doesn't get away with this, it's criminal. I'm completely disappointed!