Typical B&N. Nothing interesting or different from any other location. Nowadays, I'm a Nook girl. But I needed an actual book for a gift. So I found myself in a B&N for the first time in a looong time.
It's always so overwhelming to me. I never know in what area to look. It can be fun when just browsing or killing time. But when in search of a specific book, it is just frustrating.
Thankfully, there is this lovely customer service booth in the middle of the store. The line can get rather long, but the wait is better than wandering the store aimlessly. And the customer service staff are always so helpful and nice. When in search of a specific book, just go here first and they can look up exactly where in the store it is. Hint: You can go online first and do a in-stock search, so you can be sure the book you want is available at this particular B&N.